Life after college

Hello all,

     College has come and gone for me. For five years, SWOSU was my home, my own little place that I could be myself and be free to explore who I wanted to be.

    My time as an undergraduate is over, and it is truly a bittersweet moment. I am happy to be free to explore the world and career choices, but I am deeply saddened that I cannot run to my favorite professors for comfort at all times of the day. What made SWOSU so special to me, were the people who invested their time into my education.

      Throughout the past five years, I have made numerous friends whom I intend to keep in touch, and numerous mentors who truly invested time and care into the person I grew to be. The English department was a family for me, they were supportive and encouraging. I am sad that this part of my life has come to an end, but I am excited to begin career searching to further develop into the person I want to be.

   Now that my undergraduate career is complete, I feel anxious and nervous about my future. I have three interviews next week for big firms in Dallas, Texas. Are they going to fill me with false hope and promises as the other interviews I have had this year? Or will they actually call me afterward to give me a yes or a no answer? What do I want to do with my life? Why marketing, public relations, or advertising? Am I settling for less than I dreamt of doing with my career? All these emotions and questions run through my head each day. I love writing, reading,  and analyzing the written word; in an interview with D Magazine the interviewer asked me “what will make you happy, what will you be happy doing every single day?” I answered her with eagerness, saying that I would be happy writing or editing.  The honest answer, I have no idea.

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